Sunday, August 30, 2009

Vacation, in a nutshell

So my vacation was wonderful! I spent five lovely days in Searsport, Maine (if you never heard of it, don't worry -- it's kind of in the sticks, on Penobscot Bay, not so very far from Canadia) beaching, catching up, reading, writing, not talking about work, and generally having a great time with an old college buddy. It was sort of a last hurrah before school starts.

We went to the Maine Wild Blueberry Festival where we saw The Flying Wallendas perform aerial tricks and tightrope maneuvers about 50 feet away from us in an open-air carnival field (and got Tito's autograph!); shopped in some port towns (Camden, Rockport, Belfast); and ate vacation food (lobster stew! fried native shrimp! bacon! candy!). We got pedicures (my color was called Sand in my Suit, by Opi). I also brought crafty things along, but didn't even start. I was so busy having fun!

I read two books: The Witch of Cologne and Night Work (posts a'comin'). I started writing for Demand Studios, earning a little (and I do mean "little") money on the side. We went to the flagship L.L. Bean store in Bangor and waved at Stephen King (ok, that last bit was made up. But sheesh, Maine roads can be scary at night... so I totally understand his point of view.)

The only thing I'd change would be to bring Butch and Twinkie along. I missed them, especially at night when sleeping time rolled around and when the tv was on. We'll see about next time, maybe...

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