Saturday, December 27, 2008

Love stinks

For those of you who need to hear the details of an ex's newest flame in order to complete the "getting over them" process, I understand. Details somehow do make it easier (at least in many situations).

And you know what it makes it easiest? Realizing on your own that your ex really is an idiot. Case in point: MB still has not returned my stuff to our mutual friends. I sucked it up enough on Monday to email him about it, now that it is 3.5 months later and he is seeing someone new. (It's just common sense to unload someone else's junk before you bring someone new to your place, n'est-ce pas? If you can't bring yourself to return stuff for the ex's sake, at least think of the new person in your life!) And he said he would bring my stuff to our friends this past Wednesday. But he didn't. Not cool.

And now I want my hair dryer back! His stuff has been gone from my life for months now. It's hard to believe that he can't be bothered to bring my belongings to a dinner or some kind of hangout when they see each other socially.

I used to be sad that I'd caused him to be upset or whatever he felt (if he actually did feel anything) but now I don't care at all. He really deserves it. Not relinquishing control over my hair dryer!? Classic passive-aggressive behavior. It's clear he does not want me to ever possibly be considered attractive to other men...

And oh, I'm still getting calls from WF. I'm ignoring them, of course. Did I mention I plan to take a break from dating for a while? Sigh...

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