This week I bought some games for the Wii!
They are Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Brothers Brawl (I bought both at... gasp! ~Walmart~ for $70, and received $20 back through Paypal. Yay), and… Mario Kart! I had to wait and wait for it to get into stock, but I finally picked it up, and cheap, for the low, low price of $37 plus $3 shipping plus $3 tax. That's $165 worth of Mario games/equipment for $93! Do I know how to shop or what!? I'm still waiting to receive Kart, but I'm going to space these out… get it? "Space" them out? Mario "Galaxy?" I know, it's a stretch…
Anyway, my game library now consists of those, plus:
Guitar Hero III
Guitar Hero World Tour
de Blob
World of Goo
Mercury Meltdown Revolution
MX vs. ATV Untamed
And of course, Wii Sports and Wii Play
Pretty impressive list, huh? They are top-rated, and all fun. I'm not disappointed with any of them. The exception is MX vs. ATV, which is still lots of fun, it's just that I'm just not so good at it. But practice makes perfect. I will be receiving Wii Fit from my parents for Chanukah, and then I still have a wish list, but the wish list can wait. For a long time. Or at least a few months…
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