And Sunday was good too! I slept late (with my Beddy Buddy on my Hurty Backy), did some homework for class (Scheduling Construction Projects, whoopie), no articles (oh well) and played a little with my awesome new laptop and wonderful digital camera! I am sooo proud of me for earning extra money through writing that I could buy myself these gifties. I know I have been talking about getting them forever, but I guess I can shut up about them now. Or maybe not. Tee hee.
I’m all set with toys for the time being, though. So the new 32 GB iPod Touch (aw yeah, I will be able to afford it, heh heh heh) will be a birthday present to myself when the time rolls around.
Well, I guess I'll have to think of some other Chanukah/birthday presents for you! Thhppbbffttt!!!
Sorry... :^(
Well, don't get Spore either. I got that on a really great sale for $20. Did I ever mention?
You know, you can always buy me the $300 iPod. *cracks up*
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