Thursday, July 9, 2009

How it fared, part 2.

Kitchen and bath
  • Stove and surround. Oh. My. God! I thought my kitchen was pretty clean -- I mean, my stove is relatively new, and same with the refrigerator and dishwasher. I kasher the kitchen yearly for Passover and I really dislike a splotch of anything on my stove. But the backsplash seems to never get completely rid of grease. I Simple Green, and I rinse, and I wipe and wipe and wipe, but there's always some weird film that remains on the electronic console thingy. But this got rid of the slippery, slimy film. (And btw, the film was orangish. EW!)
  • Stainless steel sink and sink liner. This was great. About a month ago, I dumped my antibacterial sink liners because they got too gross and no amount of Simple Green would fix them. Probably if I soaked them for a day they would have gotten rid of their scum, but it made more sense just to get some new ones. Unfortunately, Target didn't have my favorite stainless steel wire ones so I had to get flat black plastic ones instead. I was not, not, not looking forward to cleaning them, but here I am today, totally psyched because I was able to quickly wipe them completely down. It was great.
  • Kitchen table (wood). This dried so fast I didn't have time to blink.
  • Caked on, baked on food. Omelet for breakfast? Roast veggies for dinner? Left the dishes until later in the day? Who wants to have to work at cleaning the pan, and risk scratching it? Squirt with Activeion’s sprayer before you turn the faucet. No need for Ye Olde Fashion’d Elbowe Grease.
  • Dishwasher. Forgot to run the dishwasher last night? No biggie. Just spray the dishes today and run it now.
  • Linoleum. Amazing. I hate doing floors, but this was so quick -- it even got all that nasty stuff from the corners, with virtually no work! And under the cat dish. And the muck left over from the last floor cleaner. And I even did it right under the stove (as far as I could get my hand in there.) It was so easy.
  • Countertops. Countertops are never difficult, but this made them look much newer because it dries immediately and there's nothing left when you wipe.
  • Refrigerator – inside and out. This cleaned the glass shelves inside with no pain and the outside in a flash.
  • Mirror. I thought this would count as glass, but I was wrong. I didn’t get great results on the bathroom mirror. But that’s ok. 18 out of 19 ain't bad!
  • Toilet. Maybe Activeion should think about some kind of toilet cleaner too. Of course this worked on the major parts of the porcelain bowl, but I wasn’t about to sully the bottle by getting too close to the actual working part. I’ll just continue to use my toilet wand for the inside.
  • Shower. I am in awe that this spray was able to remove soap scum from the fiberglass shower. I used the microfiber and it was so fast. I had a little more trouble with the soap that was stuck in the tiny holes in the non-slip floor part (I hate those holes. They are awful.) But it still worked -- I just sprayed and rubbed a little with a green scouring pad. It was still much faster than a daily shower cleaner and far less smelly.
  • Tile – wall and floor. This worked well on the tile floor with the microfiber. It also removed old powdery cleaner from when I attempted to clean the grout on the wall tile, ages ago.
But wait! There's more!

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