- There were 18 women and 10 men. Dang.
- None of the men were jerks. Hooray!
- I only met nine of the men because one who came late skipped a date (I assume by accident) and and got the others out of order. Drat.
- The acoustics at this place were not good, and it was somewhat crowded. I was able to snag a comfortable chair, so that made it a little better. Ahh.
- The leader forgot her whistle, so it was hard to hear when the "dates" were over. Sigh.
- In my 3" heels bringing me to a not-so-towering 5' 6.5", I seemed to be one of the taller women in the group! (Or at least one of the ones with better shoes.) Ha!
I compared notes with my friend after, and the best part is this: we only had one real romantic crossover. I liked guys she said "no" to, and she liked the guys I found tiresome. We've already agreed -- if he clicks "yes" to both of us, we each work our magic and see what happens, then call dibs. Haha! There's no guarantee that he liked either of us, but better to have a plan, just in case. It's really not cool to date the same guy at the same time. ew! Ew!! EW!!! She and I are close, but not that close...
Nice! A bit surprised that even guys back east are dressing schlumpily now. What is up with that? Everywhere I go out here men just look AWFUL. It's like no one can put on a decent shirt anymore, or get pants that fit properly. I thought it was a California thing though...
Fingers X'd that the guy you like best, likes you best back!
Thank you thank you thank you!!! :^)
You wore a DRESS!?!?! I didn't even know you still owned any! TeeHeeHee!
Uh huh! And I looked cute, too. Too bad my best guy didn't yes me...
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